Touts-My horror story


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well,maybe not as bad as some in here,but I am the first to admit when i was younger I was f/ucked by one of the best.

The guy that got me was a cunt by the name of Joe Talaga. This prick advertised in the Daily Racing Form with a slick ad about how he had found the keys to the kingdom and he could turn <anybody> into a winning horseplayer. I called him up and after maybe a minute of conversation he said "Get over here right now-I have one copy of my instructional tape left and another guy called me earlier but he lives a lot farther away than you."
"How much is the tape?" I enquired meekly
"$500" he stated flatly.
I gulped--this was 1986 and I didnt have much dough--let alone half a dime.
"I...uh err..$500?? This must be quite system"
'Best there is kiddo--you want the address??"
I hesitated for a second and said yes.

I got off the phone and raced over there to be greeted by a little troll whose first words were-"Your lucky day kid-heres the last copy plus the manual"

I looked at it like it was the holy grail--man o man i have hit the jackpot--my buddies are gonna be so impressed when I go to the track with them--the girl friend will stop whining about money--new cars--the whole enchilada.
On the way over I had typical nagging doubts that most rational people have--if this f/ucking guy is so good why doesnt he just bet his horses? Wait-it MUST be good-its 500 hundred dollars!!!

The first time I went to the track brimming with confidence with all the knowledge I had attained I lost the car payment which was due that day. The next day i lost the rent which was due in two days. the third time I went I had cashed in my savings bonds from when I was a kid.Was broke after the 5th race and had to borrow a deuce of a friend for gas.

I called up Joe--"What the f/ck is goin on,Joe--I have lost 2 grand in the last 3 days on this bullshit system--whats gives??"

"Well,its like this kid-some people win with it right away and some dont--looks like youre one of the donts"

I wondered to myself how many people he gave that pat answer too and instead of saying anything i just slammed the phone down.

I got a second job and had to eat a big shit sandwich for a couple of months with the girl friend,the landlord and Chrysler credit

Stay away from these bottom feeders-they are experts at performing a surgical cashectomy on their victims..


New member
Sep 21, 2004
My first and only tout experience was with Mario Petriano of "Mario Wins." I saw an ad of his in USA Today, and decided to give him a phone call. He was suprisingly genial on the phone and not at all seedy as many people seem to find sports touts, and after a brief conversation I decided I'd send him the money for a week's picks and keep my expectations low.

Now, in case you do not know, Petriano charges literally thousands of dollars per sport per season for his shitass service. At least, that is what the site claims. I'm certain now that they will take whatever they can get from whomever will send it, but at the time I did not realise this of course.

Anyway, it was $ 500.00 for a week worth of NCAA hoops picks. He claimed an 80% accuracy rate in hoops on the season, which I openly told him was bullshit that he should be ashamed of trying to put off on me. The cocksucker actually laughed and said, "you got me on that one, man."

I called him for my first pick the next day. It lost. I called him for my second pick the next day. It also lost. Mario called me directly to apologise for the bad picks, and reminded me that in gambling it is not just what you pick, but how you manage the money -- so just push these picks harder and harder until you get a hit, then you'll be on easy street. No shit -- he was telling me essentially to keep doubling up until he got me a winner.

Needless to say I was not betting the picks at all, but I didn't tell him that.

The next day when I called in I was transferred to someone else -- a man who called himself Vince Petriano and claimed to be Mario's father. Vince and I had a fairly amiable chat with one another and he even expressed an interest in a ring I was trying to sell at the time, which he later tried to con me out of in lieu of 'fees.'

But I get ahead of myself. Vince had no picks for me that day. He said he couldn't waste his time with the sort of 'trial run' freebie stuff his son did, he was a self-made millionaire and had better things to do after all. So, if I wanted any more picks I needed to send him $ 3,000.00 post-haste -- but for the trouble he'd give me not just NCAA hoops, but NBA as well, plus pre-season bases.

I suggested something to the effect that Vince might like to take time away from his crack pipe to put that pretty mouth of his to good use chugging some cock here in sunny Alabama. Mine, for instance.

His next *offer* was to go on and let me pay him $ 1,500.00 and he would let me pay the balance out of the winnings.

The aforementioned chug option was then retabled. I told him I was new to gambling, this was a little scary to me, and since I signed up for a week's worth of picks and got two losers, I'd really rather just go on with my trial run and be in a position to do some business at the start of bases (this was roughly mid-February, so bases were not far off.)

Short version (too late) is that the picks went an astounding 10-2-1 for the week. Vince was not even mildly phased by this performance, no apologies, no promises to make it all back on the playoffs, zilch. Just loser after loser after loser.

After the last day of my trial run with Mario Loses, I was chuckling about the experience on the phone with my father, who suggested that next time I just send him $ 250.00 and he kick me in the nuts and we call it even, rather than funneling money to con men online. I get a beep. It's Vince. Vince wants to know when to expect the money I *owe* him for the picks, plus when I'm planning to send out the money I *owe* him for the upcoming bases season.

My reponse was, I should hope, predictable.

This launched a three-DAY campaign of threats, cajoling, and juvenile harassment on Vince's part, including setting an autodialer from his phone center to call my number every 10 minutes for about 48 hours straight. (Bell Atlantic says this does not constitute harassment, btw. Nice folks.) I was going to be sued for breach, I was going to be reported to the authorities for illegal activities, and there was an underlying implication that I was going to meet with some real harm if Vince didn't see some payola sometime soon.

Finally, Vince decided to offer me an "out" of the situation, as according to him he had better things to do than chase down low-life, lying, double-crossing little pussies like me. He wasn't planning on giving me any more picks -- in fact, he specifically said that no amount of money in the world would buy a pick for me from him -- but if I'd send him $ 750.00 he'd forget about the rest of what I owed him and consider the incident settled.

Reluctantly, I asked for an address to send a FedEx. Amazingly enough, the address matched the one that I had fished up doing some online research. It was hilarious to me that a person doing something as patetly illegal and potentially dangerous as this fvcknut would actually give his real office address, but there's no accounting for human choice.

So then I made a call, and had a buddy of mine in Baltimore take some boys down to Columbia to knock over some desks and generally illustrate to "Vince" a point that all gamblers should heed: If you're $ 500.00 ahead of the game, sometimes it's best to just quit.

One more call, and their ad disappeared from USA Today. A couple of more calls and their banner disappeared from the SBG Global site.

And I never heard from him again, and am pleased to say that I lived happily ever after.

Learn from your buddy Phaedrus, forum brothers. Stay away from the uber-stink that is Mario Petriano and his alleged father Vince, and their idiot screaming partner Duke.


Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Nice read....touts can cap no better then anyone else.. glad you came out of that without giving him more money

New member
Sep 21, 2004
LOL, I only wish I could've been there for Russ' *visit* Guy's got a neck the thickness of my thigh and brought along a few similar shaved apes to help drive the point home.

Not being much of a physically-intimidating type myself, one of my favourite ways to really get a message across in the good old days was to load my Baretta with blanks, go the the person and get a little crazy with him, then whip out the gun and unload a few rounds "at" him. It has never failed to illicit urine, and in one truly priceless moment a whole pantsload of shit, from the jackoff who had it coming. Much more fun than actually shooting them, imho.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lucky I found these gambling forums, scratching my head lol, because the first thing I tried to do was look for a good tout on the net. Now that I have looked things over and done some research, I realize that most of them are scum. I do see some tout names with a good reputations frequently coming up , and was considering giving them a try, but there are no shortcuts. It's best to do your own work.

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